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Lee, Ying Ching Berna

Lee, Ying Ching Berna


Certified Meditation Instructor, International Coaching Federation, Instructed by New York Times Bestselling Author Susan Piver, Founder of Open Heart Project, Shambhala Tibetan Buddhism Lineage, USA. ​ ​Certified Mental Health First Aider, Mental Health First Aid International, Hong Kong Master in Fine Arts in progress China Central Art Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China Bachelor in Fine Arts University of San Francisco, San Francisco, USA

Berna is a certified meditation instructor, she offers a scientific approach to meditation and the workings of the mind, her main personal practice is Shamatha, while she also has an extensive experience in meditation styles such as Zazen and Kriya, With her experience in the field of Fine Arts for over 10 years working in US, China and Hong Kong, Berna engages in Meditation as a skill that ignites creativity and inspirations for arts as well as in life in general.  It is a way of being in the world and a training for the mind to relax with chaos of being human. With creative ways through breathing techniques, seated practice, various art forms and daily activities to make meditation fun and accessible. Practicing unplug, recharge and reconnect with ourselves anytime anywhere, create a life that we love and face challenges together with open mind and open heart.


冥想導師 美國國際教練聯會ICF認證 精神健康急救員 澳洲精神健康急救國際及香港心理衛生會認證 視覺藝術研究生 中央美術學院,北京 視覺藝術學士 三藩市大學,美國

李映晴擁有國際教練聯會ICF冥想師資資格及有超過十年在藝術範疇在美國、中國及本地工作經驗。現在致力以創意傳譯冥想,提供管理情緒及大腦升級方法,讓更多人在生活疲憊時能隨時隨地為心靈補給養分及給予休息的地方。調節呼吸達到身心舒緩釋放,成爲更棒的自己!李映晴除了以現代神經科學為基礎的冥想練習外,也有藏式SHAMATHA、印度KRIYA及日本ZAZEN禪修訓練及經驗。透過輕鬆舒心的引導及創意形式啓發思考抒發身心, 爲心靈導航!

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